Industrial and Commercial Use Spiral Stairs and Different Codes

Industrial and Commercial Use Spiral Stairs and Different Codes

In our long history of designing, building, and installing spiral stairs, the team at Great Lakes Stair has seen some interesting industrial and commercial uses for spiral stairs. For example, we have installed numerous spiral stairs in theater settings on the side of a stage to access light rigging, camera lofts and curtain control equipment. We have installed spiral stairs in excess of 40’ tall for these types of applications. When working in theater applications like this spiral stairs are idea because of their small footprint relative to a straight staircase.

We have also installed spiral stairs around grain silos where there is not much room to wrap around the silo, we can go straight up a silo to save space.

Generally speaking, spiral stairs in industrial and commercial use situations are good solutions where an area is not accessible by the public; they are used with specific intent to gain access to an area used by the owners or tenants of the property. Anytime a spiral stair is being used by the public the codes will be different. If the spiral staircase is only used by the owner or occupant the codes will be different and more lenient.

Also, with commercial spiral stairs you have to meet certain ADA requirements for spiral stairs. For example, in a residential application, a single handrail will meet code for a spiral stair. But in a commercial application, handrails are required (an inner and an outer, or on both sides of the steps) to meet ADA requirements.

There are also regulations that take into account indoor and outdoor uses for spiral stairs in commercial applications. For example, in an exterior spiral stair application you will need to have step covers that will dissipate rain or snow easily like a grate rather than a wood cover because the rain or snow can pass through the grate.

When considering a spiral staircase for a commercial or industrial application, reach out to the experts at Great Lakes Stair. We can help you navigate the building codes and requirements for your application as well as offer recommendations from our extensive experience in working in commercial and industrial settings. We can show you photos of similar commercial or industrial spiral stair applications to help you visualize your application. There are a lot of considerations in these spiral stair applications, use our experience to get the best outcome!

We can save our customers time and money because in our 34 years, we’ve seen what works best, and what doesn’t and can help educate and guide our customers on their industrial and commercial spiral staircase project. 

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    When not to put in a Spiral Staircase: Different users have different needs.

    When not to put in a Spiral Staircase: Different users have different needs.

    At Great Lakes Stair, we have provided spiral stair solutions for many customers over our 34 years. You have to be careful with spiral stairs because typically they are being used as a secondary means of accessing an area, or an area that is accessed infrequently. But we also have customers who use their spiral stairs daily, as a quick way to traverse different floors in their home. We recently designed and installed a spiral stair in a kitchen which led to the owner’s basement. The main use was to make it easier for the homeowner to access the basement from the kitchen without having to walk the length of the home to get to the basement door.

    When you can’t use that spiral stair is if it is the only means of accessing a space (like the basement in the example above) or a second floor sleeping area. Spiral Stairs can not be used to access an upper bedroom because that does not meet required code in most all code areas in the United States, and also in many other countries. We have installed spiral stairs that lead to an upper area loft or work area that is not designated as a sleeping area.

    Generally speaking, we advise our customers to think about how the spiral stair will be used. There is a lot of convenience with a spiral stair you can do a lot with them in a small space to reach an area. However, if you are planning on carrying large boxes or need to move furniture up and down them, that would be something you would want to reconsider because spiral stairs are not easy to traverse with large, heavy objects. A 5’ diameter spiral stair with the proper adjustments will meet most uniform building codes. Anything under a 5’ diameter spiral stair will NOT meet most uniform building codes. In our experience a 5’ diameter spiral stair is easy to walk up and down without too much difficulty. Anything under 5’ diameter, and you’ll be walking sideways up and down the staircase. When evaluating the space to install a spiral stair the diameter is a big consideration to determine if the space if large enough to accommodate a 5’ diameter.

    Additionally, you cannot use a spiral stair as a primary fire escape staircase. They can be used as a secondary fire escape staircase. We have seen exceptions to this so be sure to check with your local building codes for a final determination.

    Spiral stairs are a quick and easy method to traverse floors in areas where you don’t want to walk through the whole house to get somewhere and you want to take up a small footprint of space to get from one level to another level. Spiral stairs work great for this pedestrian traffic.

    In exterior applications, spiral staircases are a great solution for traversing different levels either from a deck to the ground or multiple levels of a deck. Exterior spiral stairs are generally considered secondary access since the interior stairs of your home would be considered primary access. Due to their small footprint, spiral stairs do not take up as much as space as a large, straight staircase which will block more of the viewing area. From a design and aesthetic perspective, exterior spiral stairs offer some contrast and intrigue to an otherwise straight and perpendicular area.

    Great Lakes Stair, Your #1 Choice for Spiral Staircases

    With over 34 years of longevity and industry experience in spiral staircases, Great Lakes Stair is unparalleled in the design, fabrication, and installation of custom spiral staircases.  Because of our significant background and reputation in the spiral staircase industry, we know what types of questions to ask our customers, questions you have not even thought of to ensure a great project.

    We can save our customers time and money because in our 34 years, we’ve seen what works best, and what doesn’t and can help educate and guide our customers on their custom spiral staircase project. 

    Call today at 330-225-2005 or fill out the Free Project Review form on this page to get started.

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      Differences between interior and exterior spiral stairs

      Differences between interior and exterior spiral stairs

      At Great Lakes Stair we design and install a great many spiral staircase projects and often our customers have questions regarding the differences between an interior spiral staircase and an exterior spiral stairs.

      The main differences between exterior and interior spiral stairs are related to the material compositions of the stair. In the majority of exterior spiral stairs projects, we like to use aluminum spiral stairs that are powder coated with the color of choice. Aluminum doesn’t rust or necessarily corrode, and basically has a much longer lifespan than exterior spiral stairs made out of steel. While there is a cost savings when using steel, it will rust when used for an exterior spiral stair project and there will also be costs involved in the long term maintenance. Aluminum based spiral stairs will last for generations before really needing anything done in the way of maintenance.

      We will use steel frequently for interior spiral stair projects to capture the material costs savings over aluminum.

      Another key difference between interior and exterior spiral stairs is the composition of the treads (the part of the stair you step on). For exterior spiral stair treads we can often match the composite deck material that is used on an outside deck that the spiral staircase will service. For exterior spiral stairs we can also provide treads that are all aluminum and use an anti-skid diamond plate look or materials such as anti-skid tape. There are many different tread options when doing an exterior spiral stair project.

      From a design perspective, there aren’t many major differences between interior and exterior spiral stairs. We can handle nearly any design for which we are asked by customers. We do occasionally see different balcony heights on exterior projects so we will sometimes raise railing heights to add an extra safety feature for a project.

      Great Lakes Stair – the experts in interior and exterior spiral stairs!

      When potential customers ask us “why should we choose Great Lakes Stair” for their spiral staircase project, we always reply that it comes down to our experience. We have been designing and building spiral staircases since 1990 and have learned what works and doesn’t work for a spiral staircase project. After completing a spiral staircase project, we very rarely have any call backs from customers with issues, and this is a testament to our experience, expertise and longevity in the custom staircase industry.

      Give Great Lakes Stair a call today or fill out the request form on this page to discuss your spiral staircase project. 330-225-2005

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        Custom, Semi-Custom or Standard Spiral Stairs

        Custom, Semi-Custom or Standard Spiral Stairs

        At Great Lakes Stair we receive a lot of custom inquiries regarding spiral stairs and many of those are questions about what makes a spiral stair custom as compared to a production spiral stair. A spiral staircase is a stair system that wraps around a center pole. There are three types of spiral staircases:

        Custom: every part of the spiral staircase is fabricated to a specific specification. In a custom spiral stair, the design, engineering, mathematics, and material choices are all custom selected to work with the customer’s space and to achieve their vision for the staircase.

        Semi-Custom: some parts of the spiral stair can be pre-developed or manufactured whether metal or wood that conform to certain code specifications, but other parts can be customized such as handrails or tread materials. Semi-custom spiral stairs can generally be manipulated to fit the majority of spaces that we encounter and can have more material choices. You are able to take advantage of standard components and design but manipulate the staircase to suit your needs.

        Standard: these spiral stairs are generally pre-produced as a one-size-fits-all and you manipulate your home or business to fit the particular spiral stair item. Sometimes these stairs work well but there are drawbacks to consider. For example, sometimes where a customer wants to enter or exit the spiral stair doesn’t work the way they need based on how it was designed and manufactured. With a custom or semi-custom we have more control to make the spiral stair work in the customer’s space. With production stairs you also may be limited to what materials are available with the staircase.

        Understanding Your Spiral Staircase Needs

        When we work with customers at Great Lakes Stair, we are able to interview our customers and understand their needs and recommend the best spiral stair for their space. It’s really helpful when customers have a good idea of what they want to do, and perhaps have saved photos of other spiral stairs they have seen. We can guide them on what is possible to do with a production or semi-custom spiral stair or advise them that to achieve the desired result a full custom spiral stair design will be required.

        Great Lakes Stair – Your Most Experienced Spiral Stair Manufacturer

        When you are considering a spiral staircase for your home or commercial property, reach out to Great Lakes Stair with your ideas and plans and we can help guide you in what spiral staircase, whether custom, semi-custom, or production, will work best in your space and provide a ballpark budget.  

        Ready to have a conversation? Give us a call today at 330-225-2005 or fill out the request form on this page.

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          Spiral Stairs and Non-Permitted Uses

          Spiral Stairs and Non Permitted Uses

          At Great Lakes Stair we often get requests for spiral stair projects, and we have noticed that many of the requests can’t be fulfilled because it would violate building codes or conflict with permitted uses. It is our policy and duty to educate our potential customers on what is and what is not allowed when it comes to spiral staircases. If we provide a spiral staircase for your home or business that does not fulfill a need properly or violates permitted uses, we can be held liable for issues or accidents involving those spiral stairs. In fact, the number one area of a home where injuries occur is the staircase, even more so than the kitchen.

          As a stair manufacturing company, we know we have to follow the codes that are established so when customers make requests for a particular use of a spiral stair that doesn’t follow an applicable uniform building code, we can’t expose ourselves to a customer potentially getting hurt.

          However, because Great Lakes Stair has a long history of successful spiral stair projects we may be able to offer a workaround for customers to help them achieve what they are looking to do with a spiral staircase, while following all the necessary building codes. We have over 30 year education in designing, manufacturing and installing spiral stairs and along that journey we have run into lots of problems and issues for which we have had to find workarounds.

          We listen to the customer’s needs, we understand what they are looking for and if they ask us for a specific stair in a specific space that we know we can’t do we’ll inform the customer but we also provide options for moving forward for what can be done.

          A perfect example of a spiral stair that can’t be used in a particular area of a home is a spiral stair leading to a bedroom. That is a non-permitted use because it is deemed a safety issue getting down the spiral stairs in the event of a fire. Additionally, fire fighters have difficulty wrapping their hoses around spiral stairs which can choke off the water supply through the hose. However, if the spiral stair is going to a lookout or other area of the home that is not an occupiable area (where no one is sleeping) then we are able to install the spiral stair.

          In short, spiral stairs are great choices for access to areas which are not bedrooms.

          Great Lakes Stair – Your Most Experienced Spiral Stair Manufacturer

          When you are considering a spiral staircase for your home or commercial property, reach out to Great Lakes Stair with your ideas and plans and we can help guide you in permitted and non-permitted uses for spiral stairs.

          Ready to have a conversation? Give us a call today at 330-225-2005 or fill out the request form on this page.

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            Different Materials That Can Be Used in the Construction of Spiral Stairs

            Different Materials That Can Be Used in the Construction of Spiral Stairs

            When spiral stairs come to mind, people typically envision staircases constructed from wood or metal. Throughout history, wood and metal have been the primary materials used in the production of spiral stairs. However, thanks to the continuous progress in manufacturing technologies, we now have the ability to incorporate a diverse range of materials into spiral staircases. This allows us to better cater to our customers’ preferences, design aesthetics, and overall vision.

            Thanks to recent advancements, we have the capability to blend a wide array of metals in the construction of spiral stairs, including steel, aluminum, cast iron, brass, and bronze. Moreover, we can integrate other elements such as wood, glass, and exterior deck materials into the design. In terms of colors, the options for spiral stairs have significantly expanded beyond the traditional white and black. Virtually any color can now be incorporated into the spiral stair system, granting limitless possibilities for customization. At Great Lakes Stair, we excel in combining these diverse materials and colors, resulting in the creation of truly unique spiral staircases that align with our customers’ design visions.

            Depending on how the spiral stair will be used and whether it will be an interior or exterior staircase can also dictate what types of materials Great Lakes Stair may recommend. For example, if you require an exterior spiral stair that will be near a saltwater or freshwater environment we typically will recommend an aluminum powder coated finish for the design of the exterior spiral staircase. This type of approach to the design and materials of the spiral staircase will provide customers with a stair system that could last a generation before needing any maintenance. By way of comparison, if we did the same spiral stair in a laminated wood material it would look great, but it will require more maintenance and if that maintenance is not performed the spiral stair could deteriorate quickly.

            The choice of materials is something customers need to take into consideration: do they want more of a maintenance free spiral stair system or are they looking for a particular design aesthetic.

            For spiral stairs that will be inside a home or business customers can think about how the staircase will be used and that can guide the choice of materials. Since the inside of a building is not weather affected we can utilize more wood or steel in the design of a spiral staircase, which can be more cost effective than aluminum which we would recommend for an exterior spiral stair.  

            Partner with Great Lakes Stair for an Ideal Spiral Stair Solution

            With our over 33 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of spiral stairs, Great Lakes Stair is your ideal partner when it comes to implementing a spiral stair into your home or business. Our approach is deeply collaborative, as we prioritize working closely with our customers to bring their spiral staircase visions to life. We are dedicated to transforming your ideas into a tangible reality.

            Please give us a call when you are considering purchasing a spiral staircase; the specialists at The Great Lakes Stair Company will ensure you get the right spiral stair for your needs, at the right price for your budget along with optional expert installation for a spiral staircase that will last a lifetime.

            Ready to start a conversation? Call 330-225-2005 or contact us to discuss your spiral stair project!

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              Unique Design Elements of Spiral Stairs for Architectural Aesthetics

              Unique Design Elements of Spiral Stairs for Architectural Aesthetics

              When most people think of spiral stairs they generally associate the staircase as being made of wood or metal. And historically spiral stairs have predominantly been made with wood and metal materials. But with the ongoing advancement in manufacturing technologies, we can now incorporate a wide variety of materials into a spiral staircase to better match customer’s tastes, likes, design and vision.

              For example, many people are not aware that we bend glass all the way around a spiral staircase to give that unique style to perhaps match other glass balconies or railings that they may have in their home or business. As another example, customers may want an exterior spiral stair that goes from an upper outside deck to a lower area and incorporate the stair to blend in with the deck flooring material to bring everything together so it all matches. We can make spiral stairs match the entire deck system.

              We can now combine many different metals into spirals stairs such as steel, aluminum, cast iron, brass or bronze and mix with wood, glass, and exterior deck materials. In addition to materials, colors for spiral stairs have been greatly expanded from the traditional white and black. Virtually any color now can be incorporated into the spiral stair system. At Great Lakes Stair we can combine all of these materials and colors to create a very unique spiral staircase that matches perfectly with the customer’s design vision.

              In addition to new builds, we can also incorporate different materials and colors into remodeling jobs where a customer wants to match something existing but also make the spiral stair unique.  We suggest customers send us their inspirational photos or designs, tell us what they like or don’t like, and we can then incorporate their thoughts into a final design. This gives us the ultimate flexibility into giving the customer what they want.

              Great Lakes Stair – Designing and Manufacturing Successful Spiral Stair Projects for over 33 years!

              At Great Lakes Stair, we have an extensive 33-year track record in the design and manufacture of spiral stair projects. Our approach is deeply collaborative, as we prioritize working closely with our customers to bring their spiral staircase visions to life. We are dedicated to transforming your ideas into a tangible reality. Unlike other companies, we do not offer any base or entry-level products. Instead, our spiral staircase solutions range from semi-custom to fully custom-designed and meticulously hand-fabricated projects. We firmly believe that one size does not fit all when it comes to spiral stairs. Beware of the inexpensive commodity spiral stair market and its tempting cheap prices, as they often lead to complications and issues. We frequently encounter poorly constructed and improperly installed commodity spiral staircase kits, necessitating replacements. Remember, if it resembles a one-size-fits-all “Erector Set,” it usually is one.

              Please give us a call when you are considering purchasing a spiral staircase; the specialists at The Great Lakes Stair Company will ensure you get the right spiral stair for your needs, at the right price for your budget along with optional expert installation for a spiral staircase that will last a lifetime.

              Ready to start a conversation? Call 330-225-2005 or contact us to discuss your spiral stair project!

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                How To Measure Spiral Stairs

                How To Measure Spiral Stairs

                How to measure for a spiral staircase

                Here at Great Lakes Stair, we often get asked by potential customers how to properly measure the area where they are thinking about installing a custom spiral staircase.

                Measuring an opening for a spiral stair is really simple. There are actually just two (2) measurements that our designers need to be able to begin the process:

                • Overall Rise: this measurement is the top of lower floor to the top of upper floor overall height. It is also known as the overall rise of the staircase.
                • Diameter: next, we need to know what diameter of spiral stair the customer is thinking about. Diameter (which is often confused with Radius) is the length across the circle of the spiral staircase. The majority of spiral staircases are designed and built with a 5’ diameter. Occasionally we have requests for larger or smaller diameters.

                Additionally, it is important to know the rotation of the spiral stair which is either clockwise or counterclockwise ascending the spiral staircase which determines where the platform for entering or exiting the spiral stair will be at the top.

                With these 2 simple overall measurements our design team at Great Lakes Stair can start a conversation with our customers about what style of spiral staircase would work best for their space. If you are unsure of how to make these measurements, give the experts at Great Lakes Stair a call and we can easily guide you through the process. Upon request, we also have a fee-based service where a Great Lakes Stair representative will visit your home or business and take the measurements. This is for customers who just aren’t comfortable with using a measuring tape!

                It’s much easier (and less expensive) in the long run when we have the correct measurements to start a spiral stair design project. In many cases in the past, we have had to work with spiral stair projects that were measured incorrectly, and sadly the only recourse in these cases is to start over.

                Great Lakes Stair, Your Premier Manufacturer for Spiral Staircases

                Great Lakes Stair has over 33 years of experience in spiral staircases, making us the premier choice for designing, fabricating, and installing custom spiral staircases. Our extensive industry background and reputation enable us to ask our clients the right questions, some of which they may not have considered, ensuring an exceptional project outcome.

                With three decades of experience, we have gained a wealth of knowledge on what works best and what doesn’t, and we can use this to help our clients save time and money while providing valuable guidance on their custom spiral staircase project.

                Get started by calling us today at 330-225-2005 or filling out the Free Project Review form on this page.

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                  Safety Concerns for Spiral Stairs

                  Safety Concerns for Spiral Stairs

                  Spiral stairs are beautiful staircases that can enhance a home or business and provide an efficient and elegant solution to accessing different floors. However, attention must be given to their design, manufacturing and installation to ensure that they are safe for people or pets that may have difficulty traversing the staircase. People that have difficulty traversing a normal staircase will tend to have more difficulty traversing a spiral staircase. The elderly or anyone with physical limitations, small children, and pets with short legs may have trouble going up and down a spiral staircase.

                  The difficulty with spiral stairs and why they are sometimes harder to traverse for some people is because typically they have smaller treads and higher risers due to the nature of their design. This makes the spiral stairs a little more daunting to walk on for some people. We advise all of clients who are considering a spiral stairs for their home or business to think about if they have any of these human or pet elements that may have a harder time getting up and down the spiral stairs. For example, if a spiral staircase is the main access for pets to get down from a deck to the lower ground, they probably can do it but certainly pets can be very intimated by spiral stairs and as pets age, they will tend to go up the spiral stairs, but not down.

                  Another consideration is carrying items on a spiral staircase. For example, if you have a loft in your home with a spiral stairs for access and you have a laundry basket, it is sometimes difficult to traverse a spiral staircase because you want to look at your feet and because the width of a spiral stairs is usually smaller than a regular stair, it is not easy to see your feet.

                  While there are safety considerations which we advise our customers regarding spiral stairs, the positives generally outweigh the negatives when thinking about adding a spiral staircase to your home or business. You can do a lot with a spiral stairs in a limited amount of space. The goal is to have a minimum of a 5’ diameter spiral stair to allow the easiest access up and down. When you go smaller than a 5’ diameter, an average sized adult will tend to have to walk sideways to get up and down instead of straight. If you have the space, we recommend even going to a 5’6” diameter or even a 6’ diameter. Now you are making the spiral stairs much more accessible for humans and pets and easier for use.

                  Other approaches we can use to make spiral stairs safer if necessary would be to install outer and inner hand railings. For example, in commercial applications such as a stage in a theater where lighting and sound people need to traverse a spiral stairs to gain access to lights and sound equipment, we will install the inner and outer hand railings for additional safety.

                  Great Lakes Stair – Creating Successful Spiral Stair Projects for over 33 years!

                  At Great Lakes Stair we have been designing and manufacturing spiral stair projects for over 33 years! We take a very consultative approach with our customers when taking on a spiral staircase project, our goal is to turn your vision into a reality. We do not produce any base or entry level products; all our spiral staircase solutions range from semi-custom to all custom designed and hand fabricated projects. Remember, one size does not fit all when it comes to spiral stairs. The inexpensive commodity spiral stair market and cheap prices will only lead to problems. We routinely replace commodity spiral staircase kits that were poorly constructed and/or installed by unqualified individuals. Lastly, if it resembles a one size fits all “Erector Set” it typically is.

                  Ready to start a conversation? Call 330-225-2005 or contact us to discuss your spiral stair project!

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                    How To Compare Spiral Stair Manufacturers

                    How To Compare Spiral Stair Manufacturers

                    There is a lot to think about when you are considering a spiral stair project. When you are reviewing spiral stair manufacturers it is important to understand the types of stairs that the manufacturer produces. Spiral stair manufacturers are not all the same – each manufacturer approaches projects differently, or specializes in different types of spiral stair production. What one spiral stair manufacturer considers “standard” another may view as “custom”. Additionally, you want to make sure that the spiral stair manufacturer you are considering has complete design capability and can help you understand the building codes that you will have to adhere to in your area.

                    Spiral stair manufacturers offer different levels of quality for the spiral stairs they produce depending on the project. You want to ensure that the manufacturer will make you a spiral stair that is the best solution for your project. Often times we talk to customers who have tried a “one size fits all” spiral stair product for their project but were unhappy with the final result.

                    What sets Great Lakes Stairs apart in the spiral stair industry is that the spiral stairs we make for our customers are custom designed and built for their project. We go through all the specifications with our customers including the height and diameter and understanding the space where the spiral stair will be installed. We discuss with our customers how they want the handrail system to look and function, what type of treads they want to use, as well as other aesthetic questions such as materials, choice of woods or metal, color, and pre-finishing services. We offer many different options for our spiral stair projects – options that other spiral stair manufacturers don’t offer.  

                    Great Lakes Stair, Your Number One Choice for a Spiral Stair Manufacturer

                    At Great Lakes Stair we strive to accommodate our customers’ needs at a price they are comfortable with for the project they will be receiving. With over 33 years of custom staircase design, production and installation, we know exactly what questions to ask about your spiral staircase project and we understand your needs as a customer. We can save our customers time and money because in all of our years of experience, we’ve seen what works best and what doesn’t and can help educate and guide our customers on their spiral staircase projects.

                    When you are ready to discuss your spiral stair project, call us at 330-225-2005 or fill out the Free Project Review inquiry form on this page.

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