Flared Stairs | Custom Staircase Builder
Add some flare to your straight staircase! Flared stairs add a unique visual element that can create just a touch of drama, and are the perfect choice for a home where the foyer may be too small for a grand curved staircase. Creating a flared staircase includes adding a slight curve to the stairs by flaring the bottom stair. To learn more about how a flared staircase can work in your home, contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your ideas.Custom Curved, Flared Staircase with Handrail and Bullnose : #104

Curved Stairs: Maple Wood Flared Staircase with Wrought Iron #168

Flared Stairs: Carpeted, Stained Stairs & Rail w/ Balusters : #169

Stained, Carpeted Flared Stairs w Open Returns & Twist Newel #191

Custom Staircase with Round Gothic Spindles and Box Stringer #200

Custom Built Flared Stairase w/ Kneewalls and Wrought Iron #204

Custom Carpeted Red Oak Stair w/ Open Returns and a Kneewall : #207

Earth Tone Finished Balcony and Stair Rails with Flared Step : #213

Custom Built Ellipse Flared Stairways with Wrought Iron #225

Right Hand Flare Staircase w Box Newels & Medallion Spindles #234

Elegant Stained & Painted Custom Staircase with Wall Rail #246

Sectional Flared Staircase w Scroll Spindles & Custom Newels #255

Grand Staircase: Double Flared Stairway in Entrance #260

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